
the thrill of the hunt


07-22-2013, 01:55 AM

Silently, he watched the females have their conversation. Introductions were made, boring, boring, boring. He was well-hidden, that much he was sure of, so he tuned out their words. Hopefully the two would leave Liste alone for a little bit. That would make his mission much easier. The little voice in his head, whom he had christened Shade, had not spoken in a while. He figured it knew better than to bother him when he was busy.

Due to the fact that he had blocked out their conversation, he had missed the cue that something had gone wrong. His mind was somewhere else when the wind changed direction, alerting the females to his presence. What brought him back to the present was an underlying shakiness in Liste's voice. She'd already guessed it was him, by the sounds of it, and she was trying the best she could to pretend she hadn't. Her tone when inquiring about the third female was revealing as well, although he wasn't sure of what tipped him off about it.

The next thing to come along and mess up his plan was the third female, Aria. She'd come back from wherever she'd gone and it was clear that she was going to say something directed at him. Sure enough, she did. She tried to call him out, tried to make him feel guilty for being there. Slater would not step out of the woods. It would be a stupid idea to show himself so soon. He'd only been here in Alacritis for a month or two. It was too early to end the game.

He made a mental note of the other female's faces and markings in case he ran into one of them alone in the future. If they ruined his chances of hunting his daughter, he'd kill them all. Slater was not above killing innocents. Many pups had died by his paw and sometimes their mothers as well. Two bystanders in the crossfire were nothing.

Though little he wanted to leave so soon, he decided that he had to. It wouldn't do for him to be caught already, and perhaps Liste would chalk it up to a paranoid mind and a strange wolf. A stranger who wasn't her father, who was just too shy to speak up. On that note, he turned around, heading back the way he came. It didn't matter how much noise he made now because they already knew he was around but Slater saw it more prudent to slip away. It seemed right to let Liste think he only existed in her mind, nothing more than a shade.


TAG: liste, aria, ramalia . WORDS: 438 . NOTES: none.