
another year goes by

ft open, twig



8 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterDouble MasterTreat 2019Promptober 2019
08-10-2019, 08:22 AM
ooc: Great job guys! I plan to post again the 16th.

Brandr chuckled at Twig's enthusiasm for the buck's antlers. He could understand. With winter coming it was good to have a supply of items for crafting. There was little more enjoyable than sitting in a nice work den creating something while a snowstorm moved through. "Alright, it sounds like the bull elk is our target. The horns will be your's Twig. I'm open to the pelt or the bones depending if Benedict wants anything for crafting, but first we'll have to bring it down." He gazed back toward the heard, working to form a plan.

Once he decided on a strategy he moved to voice it but something had caught Theory's attention. He turned his head to follow her gaze and saw a trio of coyote's lurking around. No doubt they smelt the blood of the wounded animals and were hoping for a mortal injury. They would definitely be a problem on this hunt. It was hard enough to eat with coyotes nipping at everyone but if they wanted the elk hide in one piece the coyotes were going to rip in wherever they dam well pleased. "Rats, they will need to be dealt with." He turned to Theory. She was training in fighting and was nearly a yearling but even so he hesitated to send the alpha's daughter after them. Benedict spoke up to volunteer in helping to chase them off but again Brandr hesitated. He was originally planning on assigning the other male the kill shot and two wolves against a bull elk would be dangerous. "We'll need all the help we can get against the elk but with three coyotes I can't say I like those odds against one wolf either."

His mind continued to turn until at last he decided. "Ok, here's what we'll do. Theory keep an eye on those coyotes and start heading their way. See what you can do to get them to leave. Menance the hell out of them. Your size alone will help intimidate them. Benedict, I want you to help us get the elk running then circle back and help Theory with the coyotes. If you attack them from two sides it should frighten them even more. Twig, you and I will keep those elk running, if possible I'd like to herd them toward the river." The wounded bull elk was more likely to stumble on the rocky shore of the river and it was also likely to have trouble swimming if it did decide to take the plunge. "We just need the bull to fall behind. Twig you're faster than me. If you can get ahead of it you can help separate it from the herd. I'll go in for the kill shot but a buck that big is going to be difficult to bring down. Benedict, at that point we'll need your help, so try and take out as many coyotes as you can when you're helping Theory. She can take down the remaining ones, I'm sure of it." He turned to Theory with a confident grin even though his stomach turned with nervousness. He couldn't say why. A pack of scrawny coyotes was just as dangerous as an elk but perhaps it was the idea of her being left alone with the beasts for even a moment that disturbed him.

Daylight was moving along with their opportunity. It was time to make do with what they could. The pack needed to be fed and the opportunity was too good to pass up. "Let's move." He slunk forward, his golden coat blending in beautifully with the autumn grasses. When he was as close as he dared Brandr exploded forward, hoping the sudden movement of a large creature like himself would get the elk panicking and indeed they did. Bleats of fear and distress echoed through the autumn air as the elk scattered and scrambled. Brandr dove to the east where he spied the bull elk. It stumbled once then took off heading north. Brandr followed from the back but there was still a good cluster of elk around their target. He was not deterred, he kept pressing on hoping to trap the elk at the river that divided the thicket from the lake territory.

One by one the healthy elk moved ahead til the target was alone and vulnerable.

"Talk" "You" Think