
imma start the bidding at a million (Eris sale)

Valkyrie 1


5 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantCritical Fail!Trick 2019
08-10-2019, 11:37 AM
The first to arrive was a by-now familiar face. "Sirius," she purred with a ghost of an amused smile. Her eyes narrowed slightly. "Are you going to buy out my action today?" That would sure make things interesting, wouldn't it? She certainly wasn't going to complain.


Then came a handsome little woman- wait no, a man. Valkyrie studied him with renewed interest. Such a pretty thing. He too smelled of Ashen and she wondered if him and Sirius would work together or on their own. She had no idea how things worked in Ashen.

A few others trickled in after Sirius and with the last, a smokey, bluish fellow, Valkyrie felt there was enough present to get started. To him she said dismissively, "What do her eyes matter when the rest of her is perfect?" In truth she was a bit messy, but Valkyrie chalked that up to a willful lack of care on her part. She had been taken care of just the same as the others. Perhaps her appearance was an attempt to force interest away from her. At any rate, she would be sold today. She could coat herself in filth if she liked; that would not stop Valkyrie.

To the delicate, pink-nosed male, she explained, "There will not be a set price. Instead I will decide on a buyer auction-style. If you want this woman you have to outbid your opponents with an item or a collection of them worth more than the last thing offered. Last one to offer something gets her." She glanced around at those gathered and then said, "Who would like to start the bidding off at two fox pelts?"

OOC: The timed auction starts now! Rules are simple. There is no post order, bids can be anything that is conceivably worth more than the last (and you can just add on to items already offered if you want), auction automatically closes three days from the last post, anyone can pop in or drop out at any time. Items do NOT have to present! There will be a three day IC grace period for buyers to gather items and present them to Valkyrie (no real thread necessary unless you want one).


This character has a noticeable Icelandic accent!
Valkyrie also has a female melanistic japanese macaque named Inga. Unless she's mentioned IC it's safe to assume she's not with her master.
It can be assumed that Valkyrie has a bear skull mask hanging from a strap around her neck at all times.