
the new gods of supertown

ft deity



4 Years
08-10-2019, 04:01 PM

Deity gritted her teeth. This wasn’t really working. She could tell from the first few steps that her travel time would be severely impacted by the injury, and that perhaps she should rest for a day or two to recover. The swampland, however, was not somewhere she’d like to rest, caked in filth and smelling rank. Plus, she was still hungry. A day or two without food wouldn’t do her well, especially since she needed to pack on the pounds for winter.
The woman felt suddenly, dizzyingly out of control. Her heart pounded in her ears, and she strained to keep her cool. The pain and hunger and frustration coalesced into a violent wave of emotion inside her— how in the name of stars was she supposed to get out of this hellscape? The woman gritted her teeth and tossed her head to the side, hoping for an answer somewhere, anywhere— her gaze flashed past a gray patch. Deity snapped her ears up, surprised, and flicked her eyes back to what she’d seen. It was another wolf. Their coat blended in with the swamplands, the dim grays and blacks melded with the water and brush. They had a stark-white face that peeked from the mist like a ghost.
Fear flashed down her veins; there was something terribly imposing about the character. They’d just been sitting there for... for stars knew how long. Deity tried to wrestle her rising tide of emotion down; perhaps they would help her. It’s not like she’d been super quiet, what with the commotion she’d caused when she fell. Perhaps they had heard her bark and come to see the problem, and hadn’t yet had a chance to speak.
”Hey!” Deity barked. She flicked an ear— she hadn’t meant to snap. Softening her tone a bit, she said: ”Sorry. You gave me a bit of a fright. What do you want?”

And so our haloes became collars and golden chains; our proud, shining divinity became the very thing that bound us.