
Forgive and forget and die


07-22-2013, 10:56 AM
The brute blacked in and out from pain as he was laying on the ground then being carried by this mysterious brute. Next thing he knew he was back on the peak with his sister and the male. Blacking out once more did he let out a groan as a familiar voice piped up. Erani was here, what a relief. He listened as best he could as she asked him if it hurt when he took deeper breaths.

"No..." he mustered as he lay there in semi-consciousness.

Then she pushed some herbs toward him and said something about chewing and swallowing. White lines ears perked up as he tried to catch the full of what she had said. With a sma nod the brute leaned forward and licked up the herbs. He chewed on them and grimaced at the bitter taste. When there was no more flavor left in them Thane went to swallow the remnants. But when he did he they only reached the back of his throat before the male coughed them back up.

"Guess I wasn't supposed to swallow the leaves." he said with a small chuckle in a raspy tired voice.

Aqua blue eyes looked around for the healer until a piercing pain went up his leg. He screamed before growling at the pain and reached forward to bite down on a stick that was laying by him. After she had put the bones in place he guessed, the man lay there waiting for any other orders or statements. Thane had no idea what to do now. And there was no way anyone was going to get him to stand up now. Not unless if he had to of course.

OOC:ignore phone post errors