
Odd one, I wish I was you



10 Years
Athena I
07-22-2013, 10:57 AM
Cael Amestades

The druid sighed with relief as he padded in between the trees, their draping leaves brushing his sides as he passed. All around him was sweet silence, the only noise breaking it was the occasional chirp of a cricket or buzz of a fly. He really did love his brothers, but after awhile he needed to get away from the pair and reconnect with the nature that he loved. They had been searching for their sister for days now. They were close, but they still had not laid eyes on her as of yet. They had caught her scent out in the battlefield and had been following it for quite a while now. It was hard for the pale brute, being away from his sister for so long. He cared for her deeply and hoped that she was well, wherever she may be.

He slipped through one of the many curtains of leaves and looked up at the roof that the draping willow made over him. He sat back on his haunches, a gentle smile touching his muzzle. His two-toned gold and sapphire eyes traced the long streamers of leaves around him. His thoughts drifted back to his past with the lessons his mother, his adopted mother, he corrected himself, on herbs, remembering what she had told him about the willows and the helpful properties they had. It was one of the first things the lovely woman had taught the young wolf when he showed interest in the nature and herbs around them. Adoptive or not, his parents had been wonderful and had taught him well. He dipped his head in respect to his parents as he thought of them, his heart still aching from losing them. It had been a hard for all of the siblings, seeing the wolves that had raised them so torn and beaten. Sometimes Cael still woke up in the middle of the night as images from that day flashed through his dreams.

He stood and slowly walked out of the protection of the leaves, padding over to a nearby pool of rainwater and looking down at his reflection. His saw his pale, ivory fur and the gray, four pointed shape on his forehead that formed a softened star, along with his striking eyes, the left being sapphire and the right being gold. He wondered how many traits he shared with his real father, the wolf the group of siblings was on the hunt for. He lapped up the cool liquid, giving a content sigh and she sat down again, his tail curling neatly around him over his paws. Cael knew he would have to return to his brothers soon enough, lest they start worrying about him as well as Claire, but he wanted to just take a moment and enjoy the beautiful nature around him.
