
lay me down on a bed of roses


07-22-2013, 11:27 AM
OOC, all seracians are expected to attend, any new wolves who want to join may come forward now.. same with any allies who wish to be present for the burial/meeting/etc. basically anyone is welcome except for enemies.

Still stained in crimson along his back, neck, throat, and muzzle, Gerhardt Mathias entered his Kingdom for the first time - a murderer. He drug the lifeless body of Adette behind him, a testament to the battle he'd been called to. Anyone there would know what transpired and would know that she told him to kill her, but there were no excuses in the King's mind. He knew he had once been obsessed with all things Seracia, to the point of making huge life decisions in order to better the Kingdom - but murder was where he drew the line. He knew that he had killed her for Seracia's sake - for his own sake - and that could not be forgiven. A light drizzle completed the morose mood of the situation as it mingled with the blood and dust that coated his frame.

He knew what he had to do. He had taken Maverick aside and warned him that he was thinking of stepping down, and now he was certain that he had to do it today. It was time Seracia had a dedicated King, but one who could make decisions for both himself and the pack - not as one. Gerhardt's time had been well spent, but his life was now in shambles and it was time he thought of himself. A sigh rang from his lips as he reached the area near where he'd buried Octavian. The earth was soft here, and it would make a fine burial ground for his slain ex-wife. Quickly he got to work, digging as hard and fast as he could. This was his cross to bear, and he didn't particularly want help from anyone else - nor did he want them to see her marred frame. It seemed like it took only minutes, but he knew it had taken quite a while to dig a deep enough grave to lay her in. He was panting as he finally placed her in the grave and began kicking dirt over her body.

Now covered in dirt and blood, the King of Seracia tilted his head back - oblivious to the presence of anyone who might have followed him straight from the battlefield - and gave a long, solemn call for his comrades. It was time Seracia got a new King and Queen. It was time for the sun to set on Gerhardt's reign. Some would say he ought to bathe before rallying Seracia, but he wanted to dissolve any rumors before they were formed. Those at the battlefield would spread the word to the rest, and soon enough all would know that the King had killed the former Queen. They needed to know the truth, they needed to know why. as his call tapered off, he stood beside her grave and waited - panting and stained with blood. The rain continued to fall as the sky darkened ever so slightly - hinting that the storm was only just beginning.

speech speech speech