
the thrill of the hunt


07-22-2013, 12:16 PM

Ramelia lifted her black-lined lips above her ivory fangs as Aria arrived and challenged the male's presence, as she positioned herself so they so could move in any direction if this stranger was to attack. She didn't miss the reaction Liste gave as the wind changed and brought the scent to the female's noses though, something was seriously wrong. Was she being hunted by someone? She let her lavender orbs flick to the ebony girl and took in the look of her fear before looking back into the surrounding brush. But soon after the tan wolf's challenged the male's scent grew weaker signalling he has left. Though she couldn't relax herself, her dishevel fur along her back rose straight up along her spin like a dragon's spikes and the adrenaline running through her body, wound her up on high alert. "He's gone. the auburn wolf growled, her eyes dancing dangerously. She could still smell him, she could still track him. "I can track him, if you wish Aria" she said to the second in command. Even though it was a stupid thing to wish and put her pack mate's lives at risk, she wished the male did show face. Ramelia was ready for a fight and was disappointed she couldn't prove herself to the pack. With a snort and a shake of her body, she tried to force her hackles down with no avail, before turning her head toward Liste and asking "Will you be ok?" knowing the she-wolf was not alright and was very shaken up.

"See Right Through You Any Hour..."