
lay me down on a bed of roses


07-22-2013, 12:19 PM

He had thought it unwise to attend his father's battle - no matter how much he had longed to be there. With Gerhardt out of the Kingdom, he was quite literally the next highest in command. Seracia wasn't safe without it's King and Prince, so the Prince remained. He paced the borders he though the most likely for Gerhardt to cross again when he returned, using up his excess nervous energy. His tail danced between his hocks for no reason than a desire for movement. His father was battling a faceless stranger while he was here fretting over Seracia and his father's safety. How ironic this was, that only days after returning from their father and son trip, the father was facing attack by an unknown assailant. Had he sensed this coming, and therefore began to prepare Maverick for the worst?

It seemed like hours before the King returned, his howl summoning all of Seracia. Maverick assumed this to be his victory announcement, though the tone of his howl seemed different - distressed. An ear tipped back in alarm as he gave a brief answering howl and moved toward where his father had called from. He'd entered not far from where Maverick had expected him to, but far enough that the boy had to travel a good distance. He was the second to arrive, after the Infanta. As much as he respected Loccian, not a word or glance was shared with her - for his father was covered in blood and dirt. He barely noticed the light shower of rain as he trotted forward and brushed his cheek against his father's, unknowingly close to where his dead mother was lain. In fact, the boy didn't even notice the grave. All he saw was his father and the blood that marred him.

"Father, who has done this?" Gerhardt had to be the innocent party, of this he was inevitably sure. Eyes swept around, finally taking in Loccian and the grave that laid beside his father. "What..?" He took a step back, uncertainty in his gaze. His father had killed whoever lay in this grave - but who was it that he would care enough about to bury in the Kingdom?
