
don't turn away now

ft acere


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
08-11-2019, 10:48 PM
Crimson gaze blazed with fury as he stood over her fallen body. He would be damned if he allowed someone he cared for get killed again. He had been too late to save Winter, but he wasn't late to save Heloise. He snarled more fiercely then he ever had before, facial features contorted into the most fearsome beast he could bring out, a side of him rarely seen by others. Snow sprayed around him as he fought off the beast, keeping its claws away from her. Even when it slapped him across the face and his blood painted the snow a deep shade of red, he did not falter. He lunged again, teeth snapping on air as the big white beast sought to try again, only it's movement this time was more hesitant as the larger wolf had come to face off with it. With the blazing fire of a thousand suns, he would fight to protect her, even if it cost him his own life in the process.

"Protect her, my love." A voice he hadn't heard in ages suddenly echoed in his ears, and for a moment it seemed as if the world became still. "Winter?" He breathed. The only sound around him now was the beating of his own heart and his voice. "You were unable to save me, Acere...but I forgive you. I always have. You can save her. Don't let your past define you. Don't let it stop you." He swallowed as the world stood still. He felt like he was frozen in time. Was he really hearing her? I failed to protect can I let that go? How can I ever forgive myself for that? For years he blamed himself for her death. For being unable to save her in time. "Because, Acere. She loves you. Just like I loved you, and you loved me. You have the chance to protect her and those you care for...I never blamed you for my death, Acere. It was simply my time to join my brethren in the halls of Valhalla. And one day, you will join me as well. But until then, you must fight for those you love and protect them. Protect her. Do not dwell on the past, my love. It will only hold you back. Give yourself a chance. I will always love you no matter what you choose, my dear white knight."

She...forgave him? After failing to keep his oath of protecting her...? She still loved him. Even if he were to love another? His head swam with emotion, and he could feel tears slip free of their bonds as they dropped onto the snow. "I will always love you, day we will meet again, in Valhalla." He vowed. He had never been able to stop loving her. And even in death, she loved him. "I know...I have always been with you in Spirit, and I will always watch over you. Until then, fight for what you want. Fight for those who need you. We will meet again, Acere. I promise."

Slowly, he could feel her presence fading away and the world slipped back into reality. He was facing the bear once more, and Heloise...was no longer beneath him. His gaze flashed upward to find her attacking the bear at the rear. Gaze flashed back to the bear and he was moving in an instant, wasting no time in keeping its attention occupied. As it sought to turn on her, a wild growl left his lips. "I said don't touch her!" He roared just before he lunged at its neck. Teeth latched onto the base of its throat as the titan used his weight to drag its head down towards the ground. He kicked at its chest, urging the bear to submit, or die.

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