
Tiger Moon

Rodgar [Open, if not]



3 Years
Extra large
08-12-2019, 05:33 AM

Rogdar had been relaxing pleasantly, basking in the hot sun while he slept on a sun beaten rock. At his side his companion splayed out in equal repose, far too content to be moved. He gave a hungry yawn then moved to scratch behind his ear with his back paw, his dark fur usually warm to the touch was now hot with desert heat and he was becoming thirsty.

He scanned the horizon, searching for any sign of water, but his olive eyes fell on something…strange. A ripple of white danced before his eyes, moving like silk around something barely visible from a distance, while a black form seemed to weave and bound around it. He lifted his ears and heard the resounding roars and growls of a wolf fighting something far larger than itself.

“Eura!” He called, and the squirrel monkey lifted her head with an irate chitter. “Eura we have to go, someone might need our help.” He told his companion only to have her blow a raspberry and settle her head back down. With an impatient growl Rogdar tucked his nose under her body and charged, forcing her to cling to his fur while he tore across the desert toward the shimmer of pearlescent white.

He had little time to take in the woman’s appearance, far too concerned with what he realized was a fully grown female tiger. While she and her companion battled the cat Rogdar dove in for the tiger’s tail, hoping to distract it enough to give the white woman the time she needed to escape, assuming of course that was her intention.

The tiger wheeled on its back paws and swiped for the dark wolf, who danced backwards as the cat gave a furious roar at his retreating form. He darted in a wide circle around the tiger, barking and snarling to keep her attention on him

“What are you waiting for? Run!” He barked at the woman dashing toward the cat before pulling away at the last second, narrowly avoiding a swipe from her deadly paws as she roared her fury at him.

Speaking  Thinking You