
Talkin' to myself ain't as fun



3 Years

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveChristmas 2019
08-13-2019, 07:54 AM

For a moment she worried, as Dominus cast a glance toward the shore, that he might be calculating some way to snatch her fish from beneath her and claim them as his own. The paranoid thought was fleeting, soon replaced by amusement as she tried to find a way to casually bring up Hjarrandi's market that would be taking place soon. A man of his mindset surely had something he could offer them.. or at least he could partake in the festivities, even if he had nothing to bid with.

"Like a trade," she answered, though her wicked grin made it clear there was more behind that answer, more she wasn't willing to tell him. "There will be all sorts of things up for trade. Raw materials, drinks, captives," she offered off-handedly, like trading a slave was as normal as trading a bear's pelt. Eyrun shrugged, twisting in the water to try to assess his reaction. If he seemed disgusted, perhaps she could play it off like a joke; though his interest was greatly preferred. Perhaps Valkyrie might want them to keep their black market a secret until the event unfolded, but what harm would one wolf knowing really do? They'd all find out soon enough, anyway.

She hummed thoughtfully at his question. "I know one of my bandmates is looking for something special for someone. She wasn't specific, but... find something shiny and I think you just might have a shot at a weapon," Eyrun teased, knowing half the fun of markets like these was not knowing who would bring what, and not knowing if you could haggle to get precisely what you wanted. "If you're still interested, come find us soon. Follow the southern coast when you get back to shore - there's a forest of willow trees where we'll be setting things up." Hopefully he wouldn't get too close to their wares before Valkyrie was ready to begin - this one was handsome enough she didn't particularly desire to see him dangling from a tree as a captive, not yet at least.