
don't try to fix me i'm not broken




Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Intermediate Healer (40)

11 Years
Extra small

Pride - Pansexual
08-13-2019, 05:23 PM (This post was last modified: 11-24-2019, 04:08 PM by Samara.)

Samara Klein

Rhyme responded, and Samara released a breath she didn't know she was holding, so he was awake enough to respond though even as it seemed her mind was shrugging off it's weariness Rhyme seemed to be fading fast. He mumbled something about having to get to his kids. "Not in this state you don't." She slowly managed to work her paws under herself. Finding the strenght in her limbs slowly returning. "At best you'll only scare them, at worst you'll be less than useless." The woman meandered over to the deeper part of her den, finding the herbs the strange female had told her were left there. It would have to do. She pulled some of the Meadowsweet away from the bundle.

"Chew on the roots." She instructed him, nosing the bundle towards his nose. If he had any pain that'd help some, she'd have rather mixed it with Yarrow to make it more potent but without knowing exactly what was going on with him she didn't want to over medicate him. "Stay awake for me for a bit longer." She implored him. "Talk to me, have you been seen by any healers yet?" Probably not based on how much soot was still in his fur, it'd be hard to check for burns with him still like that. "Talk to me about anything you want... your favorite childhood memory." Some patients needed guiding and keeping him talking would mean he wasn't about to drift off to sleep quite yet. She wanted to make sure he wasn't too badly off before allowing him to sleep as much as it seemed his body craved it. Slowly the woman would begin to try to clean his head, removing layers of soot from his unkempt fur. It was a simple, intimate activity, but she was determined to keep it proffessional, she had to clean his fur of anything that could hide any skin level abrasions, nothing more. In truth, she'd have rather shoved him into the rapids but he didn't seem capable of getting up let alone stopping himself from drowning, so she'd have to take on the task herself, grimacing against the taste and resigning herself to a long process.

"Speech", Thoughts & You

[Image: X7DSVIv.png]
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.