
lay me down on a bed of roses



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-22-2013, 02:55 PM

In perfect timing, as the last bit of life slipped from Adette's body, rain began to pour down from the heavens above. Drenching the blood that now stained the earth, washing it away -- hopefully for good.

She had watched the event, but she would say naught a word, only to Maverick. With silence she pulled herself away from Syrinx's side, retreating into the depths of the Kingdom to search for her beloved. But the search was much harder then anticipated -- the Princess was beginning to show signs of pregnancy, her belly becoming rather swollen. She was exhausted, even as she padded about the Seracian territory, her head held low to the earth, nostrils flaring as she searched for her husband.

It was thoroughly unsettling to watch a wolf kill another. It made the already irritable Princess even more uncomfortable. She was grateful when her aimless journey was cut short by the King's call. Without hesitation she clambered forth, a bit more awkwardly than usual, feeling unstable on her feet. Perhaps it was watching her father-in-law murder another wolf -- or the children that were surely growing inside her belly -- but she most certainly did not feel like herself today.

Even as she approached, she noted he was still covered in blood. But the thing that caught her eye first was the vibrant red pelt of Maverick. Increasing her pace, she rushed forth, embracing him quickly, despite the fact that he had moved to greet his father. Surely he would explain the battle that had taken place -- she was certain of it.