
The Hollows

Hunt thread



4 Years

Treat 2019
08-13-2019, 11:02 PM

Another would show up, but aside from a slight nod to the purple toned wolf, he kept his focus on the guy that had summoned them. Ears forward, he tried to follow his gaze to the stallion that the lead hunter intended to take. The slight pause as the wolf mentioned him left Thoren smirking slightly. His task seemed simple enough, draw the stallion out and away from the herd…shouldn’t be too difficult…if he could see properly.

Thoren listened as instructions continued, eyeing Rosemary with confusion as he mentioned only going for the lower legs and throat. This would be much more difficult not being able to go for the spine or back at all. Still, Thoren nodded silently in understanding before turning to follow ‘Luce’ into position. The sun was continuing to rise and it was becoming painful to be out, eyes narrowed to slits to try and combat the brightness of the day. Already a dull headache was forming in his head, making him wish he had just went hungry instead of being out during the day hunting.

The zebra were already hard enough for him to keep separate, their stripes did their job well in confusing him, but having Luce as an aide helped keep him focused on the correct stallion. When she sprang forward he was only a second behind her. Jaws snapped at the heels, trying to herd the Zebra in the right direction…without being kicked. When other young stallions joined in he would pause in his snapping and turn his teeth towards them, attempting to drive them away. It took him away from the current target for only a few moments before his attention was back on the correct Zebra.

Thoren trying to get a bite of that meat.
NOTE: Thoren is extremely sensitive to light, he can also see a bit better at night due to living in tunnels and caves all his life.