
The Hollows

Hunt thread



2 Years

Christmas 2019Trick 2019
08-13-2019, 11:24 PM

Kindle listened with interest as the plan was explained, mentally filing away the black and white woman as 'Luce.' The brown man had no name given, but that worked out fine for Kindle. It was rare to find the same wolf twice when you were a loner, names were of little importance to her. Black tipped ears twitched to catch the sound of Rose's voice as he spoke, nodding her head in understanding. It was weird that he'd demand the hunters avoided specific areas of the beast, but the Ademre woman could see the beauty in the pelt and could understand why he might want it intact.

The brown man and Luce sped off and away to drive the herd and pick out Rose's chosen male, meanwhile Kindle took the moment before it became her turn to act to comment on his choice of assignments. "If I didn't know any better, I'd think you gave me the less dangerous job on purpose." She began playfully. "But then you placed yourself in the same role. Are you just to valuable, Sir, to be beneath those flying hooves?" The Ademre gave him a sideways glance and a flirtatious smile before she, too, took off - making sure he had no time to reply.

She gave the herd a wide berth, watching carefully for the direction which they cut the stallion so that she could get in front of it as Rose directed. She knew he'd be close behind and so she did not look back to him. If he was not a capable hunter, he was not worth her attention regardless. Built perfectly for the task, Kindle was able to weave fluidly through the dancefloor until she came up ahead of the stallion. It would be time soon for them to cut off his sprint, and the Ademre woman waited to hear Rose's pawpads alongside her before running into it's charge.

Ademre Sign