
Sea Legs



4 Years
08-14-2019, 12:36 PM (This post was last modified: 08-17-2019, 09:27 AM by Deity.)

Deity saw a dark shadow flash across the dim light of the cave entrance as the stranger came barreling in. The sounds of heavy pants echoed around the cave, and the aggressive stench of wet dog bombarded her nose as they blasted inside. She leaped to her feet, fur standing on end, opening her mouth to bark a threat or a warning when a deep, heavily accented voice stated it meant no harm. She paused, frozen, the accent tickling a memory. Odd. She took a moment to regain her composure, sniffing the air. There was something familiar about his scent, too, though she was positive she’d never met this male.
Next, under the overpowering stench of wet fur, Deity noticed another, more familiar scent— Dova! She’d met the pup only days ago— what an odd coincidence that they should see each other again so soon.
Though, she supposed, there wasn’t much seeing going on. The thought brought her back to herself— perhaps she should make a proper introduction? Since they couldn’t see each other, she figured they could compensate by voice. She believed the stranger when he said he meant no harm, and the strange familiarity of his presence along with the faint scent of Dova put her at peace. There was room in this cave for the three of them, she supposed.
”Hello,” she began, for she didn’t know where else to start. ”I was hoping to greet the moon tonight. I doubt that’s going to happen now.” She glanced towards the dim cave entrance, forlorn. She was just beginning to warm up, and that paired with the cave’s darkness and the mad dash to shelter made her very weary indeed. The adrenaline rush from the stranger’s entrance kept her tiredness at bay— her heart was only just beginning to slow and she remained standing, wide-eyed— but she knew that before long it would be hard to keep her eyes open.

1/3 Met New Wolf

And so our haloes became collars and golden chains; our proud, shining divinity became the very thing that bound us.