
the new gods of supertown

ft deity



4 Years
08-14-2019, 04:27 PM

Deity pushed her ears forward, eager to have an opportunity to repay her debt. She was relieved the woman gave her an option to do so, instead of waving the trouble away as a mere favor— that always left Deity with a feeling of debt, like she still had to pay the person back somehow. This was far better for the both of them. Herbs? Yeah, she could do that, easy. The woman’s reasoning made sense, too— of course she’d need to replenish her stash. ”That wouldn’t be a problem,” She said with a grateful smile.
The stranger approached, and Deity held out her paw for her to inspect. While she was near, Deity tried to get a look into her eyes— some say you can tell a lot about someone from the eyes, after all. However, when she tried to process the expression in the buttery depths, she had a hard time discerning it. Her first impression was a... dark mirth. A chill ran down Deity’s spine, the same warning signs flickered deep in her consciousness. Once again, she pushed it away— she had no reason to distrust this wolf. Whoever said “eyes are the window to the soul” was a superstitious fool anyway, she was sure.
Then the stranger— bit her, swamp muck and all! Deity opened her mouth to shout an exclamation, and her paw immediately jerked a bit before she realized the bite was light. The woman was simply testing for breakage. Heart pounding (it seemed she was still strangely on edge), she muttered an embarrassed apology. She was still caught up in embarrassment when the stranger ran a slimy tongue down her paw, else she would have exclaimed again, this time in disgust rather than alarm. Instead, she remained quiet, but scrunched her muzzle up— the sensation was certainly unpleasant, to the point where it gave her goosebumps.
The stranger reared back and gave her thorough analysis. Deity gave a short sigh, relieved both for the state of her ankle as well as for the absence of the woman’s mouth on her. ”Ah, that’s good. A brace would be wonderful, or whatever you’re willing to do. Again, thank you so much,” Deity replied. She wasn’t sure how the healer would make a brace— did she have one in her den somewhere? She sat, eyes on the woman’s expression, waiting for some sort of invitation. Or whatever came next.

And so our haloes became collars and golden chains; our proud, shining divinity became the very thing that bound us.