
Holier Than Thou



8 Years
08-14-2019, 05:28 PM

Hannibal read his dear sister's unhappiness with ease. After standing for a moment he decided it would be better to take a seat. The albino lowered onto his haunches as he observed Pandora with a much more serious look in his eyes. Her words brought forth a tiny sneer to his lips as he pondered over what she had to say. It had been known that Pandora heard the voices of their ancestors. The words of the Kleins weaved themselves into her mind and urged her down the path that they would have lead. Hannibal did not dismiss her notions like he did so often with Archon for he believed his sister had wisdom beyond his own when it came to their ways.

After allowing her worries to mingle within his mind for a long moment the male offered a firm nod. His lips formed a stern line as his eyes connected with her own once again. "Deathbelle raised our family up from ashes. A task that no one else had succeeded at." No one could discredit Belle's ambitious and power. "If we compare ourselves so closely to father's Empire we shall get lost in grasping for what once was. These are new lands with new hardships, goals, and Wolves." A pause. "There things I am also beginning to feel weary about. But, when the moment is right I plan on discussing the future of Ashen with Deathbelle to smooth out our journey to greatness." Hannibal rolled his shoulders, "Tell me more of your worries so I can bring them to our Empresses attention." The only way they would work out the kinks in their new pack would be to discuss things with open minds.


This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.