
the new gods of supertown

ft deity



4 Years
08-15-2019, 12:15 PM (This post was last modified: 08-15-2019, 12:40 PM by Deity.)

Deity followed along with the woman’s words, ears pushed forward in her eagerness to know more. The healer gave Deity an explanation of what herbs she was mixing and why, and Deity noticed her eyes shine a bit as she did so. Perhaps the healer was just as keen on sharing her knowledge as Deity was on collecting it— now that would make a good combination. Maybe the swamp wasn’t so bad after all; it seemed she might have met a friend. Well, an acquaintance, she supposed. But nobody knows what the future holds.
Deity winced at the stranger’s touch. Pain flared up in her paw, though it had dulled to a throbbing ache rather than the lightning pain she’d felt before. The healer then gathered bark from the tree, dropped it in front of Deity, then introduced herself. Rose, huh? That was a nice name. Very fitting for a healer. It mirrored her quiet demeanor and her kindness in healing Deity in her time of need.
Thoughts of thorns pricked the back of her mind— all roses have their thorns. Some larger than others. Some more dangerous than others.
Deity was beginning to tire of these unfounded suspicions. With great frustration, she once again stuffed them back into her head, wishing she could seal them up in a dark crevice somewhere. Better yet, expel them entirely. But her apprehension was relentless. It just refused to fade.
Coming back to herself, Deity remained silent as she watched Rose work, gritting her teeth when the splint was pressed against her swollen ankle. Miraculously, it stuck— what was in that swamp water that made it sticky? ”Why does the swamp water stick? Also, how does comfrey reduce swelling when applied externally?” Deity asked, leaning forward to inspect the brace. Rose had done her job well, from the looks of it. Deity wanted to test it, but didn’t want to mess up the mechanics by moving it too quickly.

2/3 Received Healing Lesson
2/3 Met Someone New

And so our haloes became collars and golden chains; our proud, shining divinity became the very thing that bound us.