
the new gods of supertown

ft deity



4 Years
08-15-2019, 12:54 PM

”Oh. Right. Mud water. Mud dries,” Deity said, ducking her head. She’d gotten so invested in the details and the question why, she’d forgotten her common sense. She was covered nearly head to toe in mud anyway, and that sure stuck.
As for the comfrey, that was interesting. It also explained why Rose had chewed it up: it broke up the leaf itself, releasing the oils and making them easier to absorb into the skin. Deity was still curious as to what exactly was in the plant that made it reduce swelling, but Rose’s simple it works that way would have to do for now. If Deity could just know the oil, the... the chemical inside the plant that was responsible for swell reduction, she could know which other plants not found in swamplands shared that chemical, and could apply them herself if need be.
Rose backed off, splitting Deity from her thoughts, and told her to put weight on her ankle. Deity stood, paw aloft, before slowly lowering it to the ground. She held her breath in anticipation, bracing for a sharp pain... but it was far more minor than she’d expected. The brace helped to support her ankle, and though the pressure still hurt, it was less than before.
She lifted her other paws and took a couple steps. She had a noticeable limp, but she could walk! She could thankfully escape this rancid hell of a swamp. The thought of leaving reminded her that she had a debt to pay. She looked up from the ground, into Rose’s yellow eyes. ”This feels great!” She exclaimed, eyes shining. ”Thank you. I really do appreciate it. I’m eager to repay you,” she added, leaving the unfinished question hanging in the air.
What did Rose want her to do?

3/3 Received Healing Lesson
3/3 Met someone new

And so our haloes became collars and golden chains; our proud, shining divinity became the very thing that bound us.