
Under the moonlight

Aria I


07-22-2013, 06:27 PM
ooc: It's fine and it''s because you love me. <3 lol

Aria Corvi

She had been doing on of her rounds when she caught sight of a familiar face moving through the night. With a smirk the shewolf followed the dark colored male, keeping a good distance away, light on her paws enough to where she barely made any noise. The lands were silent, so she didn't need to stick around, Aria deserved to have some time to herself. Not only that but she wanted to catch up with her old friend, it had been a long time since they last saw each other before he showed up at the borders looking to join.

Before she knew it the two strayed a good distance away from Ludicael, ending up in a bay. Forest green orbs scanned the area, coming to a stop, partially standing out in the open with the beautiful moonlight shining down on her. I can already see you if your planning to surprise me Aria. His voice caused the woman to smirk, lowering her head briefly before turning her gaze on Siarvon.

No surprises, that will be for next time old friend. She spoke up, smooth and soft. Carefully she danced down the rocky wall, hopping from one rock to another until she finally reached the bottom just a few feet from the male. How are you liking Ludicael so far? She asked him, trying to strike up a conversation, strolling over to him slowly till she was just a foot away when she touched her nose to his.


Awesome table by Mie <3