
i'm close but no cigar for you

ft poem



2 Years
08-15-2019, 03:50 PM

he was pushing it, going near pack lands.

curious now that he had met another pure-blood from some community that he couldn't remember the name of, Thad wandered close. his thin fur was spiked with uneasy as he walked along the cliffside but at least he was looking better than he used to be. the wounds would leave scars but the Olympia man and his strange monkey-thing had fixed him to the best of their apparent ability. he was able to walk around, but his fate in the pack was up in the air. whether he'd be allowed to remain when he was better... he didn't know.

Thad had conflicting thoughts on both wanting to stay and going on his way. he'd only seen winter briefly as a child, and now that he was reaching adult age it had completely faded from his troubled mind. he remembered it being very white and very cold. so maybe it was best he integrates into a pack as soon as possible, then ditches them come spring. he could... play nice for a bit, surely. he could latch onto Chrysanthos and pretend to be grateful if only to secure a place in Olympia. but it never hurt to look at other options.

so that's why he was here. he didn't know the name of this pack - only that it was close by Olympia. he'd sniff the air, piss-colored eyes looking around anxiously before he continued on walking. he wasn't bold enough in his young age to go to the border and call for someone. no, he was a sneaky little asshole and decided to scout from afar.


thaddeus is rated mature due to some assumed content in his posts and history
be advised that role-playing with him can trigger others, and any thread will be marked M if it includes it