
the new gods of supertown

ft deity



4 Years
08-15-2019, 05:48 PM

As soon as the first sentence left Rose’s mouth, Deity’s heart sank. North? Oh, stars. She couldn’t go North— the whole reason she was trapped in this damned swamp was because she was headed farther South for winter. Deity could hardly take the Eastern autumn— how could she survive the Northern winter?
Aghast, her emotions obvious on her face, Deity was silent through Rose’s description. She knew what lavender looked like, so it wasn’t too hard to imagine this “wolfsbane”, but the drawing did help. She was, however, so caught up in her thoughts of travel that she didn’t even question the name of the herb— wolfsbane. Bane of wolves. Any other day— stars, and other minute, she would have thought the name more than odd, and surely it would have piqued her suspicion, but nay.
Deity looked up, brow furrowed in despair. She dad a debt to repay, and she wouldn’t go back on her word, but surely there was something else she could do. She feared for her survival at this point— her auburn coat wouldn’t do well catching prey up North, and neither would her slim frame and short fur equip her for the inevitable snowfall. She was anything but made for the cold. ”Is there... is there anything else I can do?” she asked earnestly. ”You see, I... I was headed South for winter. That’s the whole reason I’m here, actually,” She mumbled, looking down at her paws. She left the sentence hovering in the air, hoping against all hope that Rose would grasp the connotation and provide her with a different task.

And so our haloes became collars and golden chains; our proud, shining divinity became the very thing that bound us.