
i hurt, but its okay i'll survive

ft banshee, healing prompt



6 Years
08-15-2019, 06:47 PM


anshee was on her way to being a proper little healer. Having experienced the birth of her father's new litter as well as taking some lessons beneath Luce she was getting okay at basic medicine as well as being a denmother. But, what about all the other medicine out there? There is so much to learn and take ahold of. So, the youngling wandered out of the territory in hopes to find what she was looking for. Having grown up with the albinism trait running so thick in her family the girl couldn't help but to wonder if she could make a sunblock. Both Belle's pups, father, Recluse, and Dutch's pups had a touch of the trait. A sunblock could really come in handy once all the pups were roaming outside of the dens.

The Klein female found herself within the Plains. On the way to the region she had picked up a few marigold and agrimony flowers. Both of which don't usually grow in the plains so it would be handy to have. What she was seeking within the region were Lamb's Ears. The plant had very soft leaves that would make for an amazing way to press the sunblock ointment into the skin. She also knew that the leaves had a healing element when crushed up as well.

As she wandered around with narrowed eyes and a slight grimace a scent filled her nose. Sadly, it was not herbals. But, it held the taste of a canine. With a raised brow the girl continued with her slow steps and searching gaze. But, she was on high alert for the stranger. - Not after but a few minutes Banshee's eyes took hold of movement. A tall and strange looking Wolfdog. The Klein girl had the flower stems in her mouth as she raised her head above the grass to take a further look. What a strange creature.. Banshee hesitated as she thought of maybe going back home. But, she was on a mission and perhaps the stranger would be of assistance.. The pup took a few steps closer to the Wolfdog and dropped the flowers on the ground at her paws. "What are you?"

602/1500 words


[Image: Banshee-icon.png][Image: Cairn-Icon.png][Image: incubus-icon.png][Image: rhysand-icon.png][Image: thyri-icon.png][Image: Vaella-icon.png][Image: verity-icon.png]