
Adravendi-Mathias Litter #1

Aislyn I


Extra large
07-22-2013, 07:02 PM

[Image: 2zzqiye.png]
Amalia Jayne Adravendi-Mathias

Female, second born

up for adoption

Appearance: This little woman is more than lovely. With a mixture of her father and mother she is pure perfection and the prime example of beauty. Her fathers odd russet coloring comes into play on her face that seems to be dipped from her neck to the very tip of her nose in a dull crimson color. Her mothers traits seem to be more dominant in this female, because the rest of her body is painted a beautiful ivory color. She also has her mothers eyes, which are a striking baby blue that catches almost anyone's attention. Her grandfather, Rancor, also throws a splash of his coloring into Amalia. Her left front paw is dipped in ebony, which was for the most part her grandfather's coloring, besides his appaloosa markings, which are also dominant in Maverick. But, this little lady did not receive those markings, since most of her traits come from her mother.
Height wise she will be considered an average sized female. When she is full grown she will be thirty-three inches. She won't be a very heavy girl, because she will only weigh around 105 lbs. She will have a good amount of muscle beneath her pelt, but she will always maintain a very feminine look, just like her mother.

As a child: Amalia will be a major daddy's girl. She will look greatly up to her father, and will wish to achieve everything he has in her future. Later on in life she will learn that he had come from a broken home, but despite the odds he had rise up and become a king. This will cause her to look up to him even more than she had at a very early age. She will be very playful and spunky at first, but when needed she can instantly chill out and become the regal princess she needs to be. She will love spending time with her grandfather Gerhardt, since her other grandmas and grandpas have already passed away.
Growing up: She will expect a lot out of her siblings, and depending on their personalities she will see herself as the most mature one in the group. To her royalty is a very treasured thing, and she will be very reserved and have excellent manners. As she grows into a matured body she will realize how beautiful she really is, and she will embrace it. Rather than being stuck up she will be very confident in herself. No matter what others tell her, she will know that she is beautiful, and hurtful words and taunts will never change that. She will also become very independent, and know she does not need a man or companion at her side for her to succeed. She can do things on her own, but will always listen to the suggestions of others.
Adult: As an adult, she will be a very independent princes. She will do as she is told, and will be reserved in some ways, but won't be afraid to speak her opinions, as long as they are asked. She will be very well mannered, and will take most things seriously. Though she will be generally quiet unless spoken to, she will not lose her playfulness. She will still have a good sense of adventure, and won't be a total bore. She will rarely open up to others even though she wont have much to hide. In her mind a royal princess should not show her feelings unless they are asked for. When she becomes very close to someone, whether it be a friend or possible love affair, she will greatly loosen up, and speak her mind the way she wished she could all the time.

Sample based off her as a teenager:
Daylight had just begun breaking over the far hills in the southern part of Alacritis. Most of the members in Seracia were still sound asleep, but the young princess Amalia was far too busy planning out her day. She had slipped out of her den a bit earlier than usual today. Her father, mother, and siblings had been sound asleep when she had left, and she presumed they were still sleeping. Sometimes her father was awake at this time, but today must be a lazy day for the king. She couldn't blame him, if she were the soul source of power over Seracia she would treasure sleeping in too. At this moment she was on the hunt for her closet companion, Ryker, the north american badger. She had met him during a hunt that she had went on by herself a few weeks ago, and they had instantly hit it off. He was a very playful creature, and when Amalia had a lot on her mind he was always there to listen. She really enjoyed his company, and knew from the beginning that he would be a life long friend.

"Ryker, come on!" She giggled as she galloped through the open plains of Seracia. Ryker's little legs struggled to keep up, and with every step she took the further he was left behind. When she could't hear his playful taunts for her to slow down she came to a stop, turning around to see where he had went; but he was no where to be found. "Ryker?" She murmured to herself before she nearly jumped out of her skin. BAM! Ryker seemed to explode from the earth as he pounced at Amalia, grabbing her tail with his paws and holding on for dear life. His intentions had been to scare her, and boy had he succeeded. She instantly took off, dragging her little friend behind her a few feet or so. When she realized it was merely a trick she stopped and rolled onto the earth, laughter bubbling from her very core. She felt so happy with Ryker around, he always knew how to cheer her up.

"Amalia." Her fathers voice brought her back into reality. Her laughter quickly died as her baby blue eyes looked up to meet her fathers. The look on his face wasn't too disturbed, but he did look a bit confused. She was usually very reserved in front of her father, especially after she had grown out of her pup hood. Uneasily she cleared her throat and rolled onto her belly, pushing the front portion of her body up so she was sitting before him. "Hello father." She almost whispered. Ryker was sitting still behind his female companion, waiting quietly and patiently for her father to do something. Was he mad? The badger wasn't sure, he had never seen the girls family before.

"Would you like to join me in a hunt, Amalia?" Her father finally said something, and she couldn't help the silent sigh of relief. She looked so fondly up to her father, she would hate to do something wrong and disappoint him. "I would love to." She replied. Her tone held almost no emotion, but that was the way she usually talked to anyone, so to her father it shouldn't be a surprise. Maverick turned away from her, directing where they would be going with a flick of his head. She assumed they would be heading toward the packs hunting grounds because that was where the juiciest pray hid. Without another word she trailed after her father, leaving Ryker behind.

Side note: If I were to adopt her I would more than likely buy her a companion animal c:

Future plans: She is going to be very family orientated, reserved, and mature. I plan on having her stay in Seracia and letting her fate fall wherever it goes, as long a it is revolved around her pack ~

I practiced my maniping with her, I hope you don't mind ~

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