
the new gods of supertown

ft deity



4 Years
08-15-2019, 11:06 PM

Deity’s tail drooped as Rose spoke. Damn the stars. Sometimes, she wished she could be like some of those heartless wolves in the stories elders tell— the ones who can stab and betray and smile like nothing happened. Unfortunately, Deity was Deity, and a debt was a debt. She could go North. She could gather this herb that grew so far away— judging by the healer’s actions, she needed it for something, perhaps something she was hiding. Something personal, like chronic pain. Deity wouldn’t press.
The woman continued speaking, pressing her case. Deity wasn’t the type to pity someone. She’d simply assess the logic behind a decision and provide strategic reasoning to improve a solution. In this case, Rose’s logic was that if she left this home, someone would take all she had (Deity wasn’t sure why anybody would want to den up in the swamp, but she had far less experience with traveling patterns here than Rose, she was sure), leaving her with nothing but a handful of wolfsbane. It was true, then, that Deity had to be the one to go. With a defeated sigh, she plopped down on her haunches. ”All right. I’ll gather your herb. It won’t be too much trouble.” She sat for a moment, thinking about the best way to go about the task. If the healer needed it before winter, though, Deity had a very narrow time constraint to travel all the way up North and back. ”I will try to get it to you as fast as possible. Surely before midwinter, hopefully before winter even sets. I know you said you need them before the end of fall. I’ll do my very best to bring them back in time. In that case, I should... get going now. Could you point me North, or to the closest way out of this swamp?”
Ah, well. It’s not like she had anyone to meet down south. She didn’t have friends, nor family. She had to think of this as an adventure, a stars’ blessing to give her purpose. The thought made her want to spit. The stars were dead, or they’d forgotten this earth long ago. Of that she was certain. Had always been, though she still sent her thoughts and well wishes towards their velvet-wrapped corpses.

And so our haloes became collars and golden chains; our proud, shining divinity became the very thing that bound us.