
I'll Keep My Eyes Fixed on the Sun


07-22-2013, 07:15 PM
.ooc. sorry it's so jumbled. He's kinda... confused right now.

He didn't know what he wanted to do. He liked to run but that was about it. He didn't have anyone to run with or to explore with. He took in the sights and sounds in quiet loneliness. The surroundings were hardly helping the feeling. Sorrowful trees surrounded him as he paced through the forest, his speed had fallen since entering the new place. His light colored orbs took in the gorgeous trees and he was happy to just enjoy the beauty.
He had chanced upon a couple of wolves in his time in Alacritis, but mostly he had just been running through everywhere he saw. His only goal was to see the whole of the continent. he knew that there was quite a bit more distance to cover before that came about.
A long sigh was let loose from his lips, maybe it was just time to stop and rest for a while. It was a nice enough place, maybe a break during the afternoon heat would do him good. He stopped his paws from moving anymore right next to a small stream. The bubbling noises made him smile. It was almost as if he could pretend there was someone with him. With a slow movement he leaned down to sip from the cool water.

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