
It All Started With A Penny In The Door [Dissection]



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
08-16-2019, 06:30 PM
Her conversation with Valdis regarding their future had definitely motivated Asvor. Perhaps sitting around and waiting for something to change within Legion wasn't the best route.. maybe she had to work to contribute toward the change itself. Being more proactive was never such a bad thing, was it? She'd promised to help Valdis work toward her goal of moving up in the ranks and with it she felt an urge to work toward something similar. She knew she could contribute in a more meaningful way, so why hadn't she been?

She veered toward the pack border near the edge of the knolls, noting she crossed the scent of one of the younger members of Legion. What was he doing all the way out here, she wondered? Asvor wasn't worried - children were often best left unattended, that was how they learned how to survive. She doubted a child of the pack would be reckless enough to run into trouble he couldn't get himself out of... and if he did? Perhaps that was just natural selection working its magic.

But when she found him, it didn't seem like he was into much trouble.. at least not the life-threatening sort. Asvor raised a brow as she drew closer, watching Alarr as he leaned over the corpse of someone - his two companions seemed to be doing work to the body, and she squinted as she approached, making no effort to hide the sound of her arrival. "Already taking down trespassers, are we, Alarr?" Faint amusement flashed in her eyes at the thought, though as she moved closer she began to study the body, glad it wasn't anything familiar to her.