
More vikings you say...



08-16-2019, 08:02 PM
Name: Remus
Age: 2 years
Gender: Male
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Description: Remus is a mostly dark gray wolf with underlying light gray accents, as well as a black overlay that span along his spine. This dark fur also stretches down to cover the tops and sides of his shoulders, forelegs, and hind legs, as well as the upper part of his tail. The black also extends over his head to cover the bridge of his muzzle and the backs of his ears. This color also adorns several stripes that trail down the side of his muzzle and along his ribcage and neck. He stands 36" at the shoulder and weighs almost 200 lbs. His scent is a mix of several different strands. The most prominent is that of a faint cologne, sweet and masculine scents mixing together with his natural musk. Hidden beneath that is a thick woodsy aroma, like the forest just after a storm.
Personality: To say Remus is quiet is an understatement. He is unable to speak, and therefore relies on his brother to do the communication. He depends on Rom so much that hes to the point now where they are inseparable. He's very rambunctious and often plays rougher than his brother. They may only be a few minutes apart, but he acts far younger than his sibling.

Rem is very flamboyant despite not speaking, and his personality is rather loud. His actions speak louder than any words could, which can get him in trouble on occasion. When someone threatens him or his brother, or just flat out pisses him off, he can get rather violent and aggressive.

He depends on his brother for so much stability that he often goes crazy when he's not in his presence. Rem has developed a very strong attachment to his brother, to the point of which both brothers refuse to leave the others side.

Outside his brother, Remus doesnt really know how to be his own separate personality. Its always been the two of them, even before they left their birth pack to roam as loners. Rem doesnt play well with others, though with his brothers guidance hes learning to get along and function not only as an individual but as a member of a pack.

The younger brother has a strong will and will do as he pleases unless directed otherwise. Hes stubborn and loves to fight, often starting problems where there was none previously, just so he could bite something. He isnt above calling someone out for their wrong doings, or even that dirty look they gave him.

Relationship to Valkyrie: Met her in the wilds and is getting to know her.
Reason for coming to Boreas: It totally is because of the pretty viking lady
Occupation: Fighter/Mercenary