
Time for a New Day

Novel iii


6 Years
Dragon Mod

Treat 2019
08-17-2019, 01:38 AM

She cried into herself, her body practically trying to tightly wrap into itself as she cried. She hated herself for what she'd done, mistake or not. And when she felt a body against hers, she fought the urge to run away. To hide in her den and never come out. To consume the herbs she knew could stop all of her painful thoughts. But...she didn't move away from him. She hadn't felt the comfort of someone else in so long that despite her desperation and fear of herself, of what others might think of her...she stayed. She cried still, but she stayed. And even when he spoke, she listened through the pain and the self-hatred. He said she wasn't a monster...but she couldn't help but feel like one. She had killed a child, torn it away from its mother because of a stupid mistake. She had been punished for it over and over. First, a broken leg...a small price from the childs mother. Then the unending loneliness...and then her face. She knew it was but a small price to pay for the life lost...and she felt like karma would just keep coming back for her until she was nothing but a shell of who she used to be. he spoke, she knew he made sense. Sure, she felt like a monster...but it had been a mistake. She hadn't meant to kill the boy. She beat herself up for it every single day, unable to stop thinking about it. She had run as far as she could from the scene, but the image of the seizing boy and his death was burned in her mind. The she-wolfs grief and anger and hatred towards her forever burned in her memory. The ghost pains in her leg and face would always remain. She turned her head then, burying it in the comfort of his chest as she quietly cried into him. He didn't see her as a monster...perhaps nobody did. But...he was also the only one that knew her secret. The one she had vowed to take to her grave...maybe she still would. And maybe he'd be the only one to ever know her truth. "I can't help but...feel like a monster...the pain won't go away...the memory won't...I can't stop reliving it...everyday...I see him..." She pressed her face further into him if he allowed, "How can I live with myself after that..."


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