
When I Grow Up

Valkyrie, Eyrun

Dominus I


3 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Critical Hit!
08-17-2019, 02:01 PM (This post was last modified: 08-17-2019, 02:05 PM by Dominus I.)

The festival had been an interesting experience, though he could not say he was all too pleased with his prize. The device he now carried in his jaws because he was too embarrassed to actually wear it was a bright red helmet with metal spikes. Although it appeared like a threatening tool to use in combat, it did not quite fit the behemoth's head... so, instead, it irritated his blue gums while the straps he was forced to hold onto were kept saturated in the teen's drool. He was ready to get rid of this thing almost as soon as it was given to him.

He thought perhaps he could bring it to the market that Eyrun had informed him about, though he wasn't sure if it classified as something 'shiny' like she had mentioned that he bring. It would have to do for now as the loner had very little options as to what he could offer. He had not mastered the art of skinning his prey yet, or trapping.. not enough to trade tools dealing with any of it. He was still young, inexperienced, and learning his skills.

After his hunt with Altair, the teen was ready to explore the forest of weeping willows that the woman had told him to seek out. He felt nervous but excited just as equally while his heavy black paws left prints along the sands of Boreas' shore. When he reached the willows, he finally left the guidance of the coast and ventured further inland... though it didn't take long for him to get lost. He followed the scent of water until he could find the lake that interrupted the forest, deciding to take a quick break to drop the awkward helmet and rest before continuing on his search for the market.

Beneath the shade of a willow, he rested offshore of the lake after quenching his thirst in its cold autumn waters. The helmet rested against the tree's trunk, metal spikes slightly disturbing its bark as Dominus seemed to position it against the tree without paying any mind to such a thing. He plopped down just as absent-mindedly beside it and let his blue eyes drift around the forest while his ears listened. A market would be sure to attract, perhaps if he just paid attention to the forest... he could find it.

Dominus has a black snake that stalks him. Unless mentioned already by me, it is welcomed to powerplay this snake and allow your character to notice it somewhere in your posts.
Dominus says bad words, he can also be very unstable. All Dominus' threads are mature.