
I'll Keep My Eyes Fixed on the Sun


07-22-2013, 08:32 PM
A soft smile tugged at her lips as it would seem he was alarmed by her presence. Even if so, he recovered quickly enough. She had to admit he looked kinda cute with his head tilted like that. She sat up as he spoke and frowned. "Come now, this is free land. Who am I to tell you where you can and cant go? Disturbed you did not, so don?t fret." She replied and continued to watch him. She knew all to well the life of traveling, that?s all she did..besides get in trouble, flirt with the males, and the disappear. So far this land had not proven any worthy of calling someone a friend. In most cases, males were just like her. There to cause trouble, maybe have a lil fun romp with he rand off they were.

"Indeed this is a fine place to relax. Don?t go because of me kind sir. Why not come join me on this soft bed of grass and reeds? I'm sure you'll nothing as good as this one here." She added as she watched him continue to drink. She hoped he wouldn?t think of her coming onto him so quickly, no no, if that was he case then the game was over already. If she wanted to come onto him, which the idea was intriguing, she liked to go slow with it. Have them warm up to each other. That was how you played the game. She wondered if he would be into it. Maybe not he seemed to kind. But one could never be sure with males these days. They say one thing but craze the opposite. Crazy really. "Name's Roxana. And you?"