
Caged in Gold

Heading north, anybody welcome



4 Years
08-18-2019, 04:42 PM

She’d spent two days lingering outside Corpseghoul swamp, waiting for her ankle to heal. The pain had subsided enough that she could walk for a few hours without needing a rest.
It had been eight days since the encounter with the healer who called herself Rose. In exchange for treating Deity’s sprained ankle, Rose had asked her to travel up north in search of a rare herb. Now Deity was bound to a debt that her own morals forced her to repay. There was a reason Deity had never been North: she didn’t do well in the cold. Now she had to travel up there as autumn fell— not an ideal situation.
Deity stood at the Northern tip of Southern Boreas, facing the beginning of a long plateau. Bits of metal in strange formations pierced the earth, and Deity had an... uncanny feeling about this place. There was a lingering heaviness in the air, almost like a hundred ghostly arms were tearing at her fur, begging for help, help...
She shook her coat with a chuff. She didn’t believe in spirits, no, but nonetheless, she didn’t like this place. Wanted to get out of here as soon as possible. Unfortunately, her ankle had other ideas: it throbbed and complained, forcing her to take a short rest before her travels continued. A large block of metal lay just ahead, and though it gave her chills (it was enormous, and looked frozen in time, forced to rear towards the sky for all eternity) she decided to hunker by it to rest for a bit.

And so our haloes became collars and golden chains; our proud, shining divinity became the very thing that bound us.