
A heart spent


Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
08-19-2019, 05:30 PM
“It’s so difficult…” she whispered, as he asked if she could see them in the youth. She knew instinctively that he meant the children of the pack, and her thoughts turned to Motif, who she worried for every day. To Nori, who she didn’t know if they could ever help. To Verse, who was so absent, to Poem, who had expressed her broken heart. To Theory, who had cried because she had not worked to save her siblings in the fire.

For a place that was supposed to be built out of love and safety, they really seemed to be failing its youth. She cried a little harder as she considered that, as she considered how desperately she wanted to give them a home they could grow in safety, without all this pain. Perhaps the next Alpha would do better then Shaye had, perhaps she would find better solutions.

“P-Poem wants to go with you, to search for Motif. She doesn't want to be Alpha Heir right now. I told her she could go back to the position later in life, but in the meantime I want to train Theory. S-She shows such promise” Shaye said, trying to hide her misery as she spoke of pack matters.

Rhyme promised to bring home Motif, and Shaye collapsed into his fur again, she knew she should do better, hold herself together, but in front of Vail’s grave, knowing the light of her life was gone, she found she couldn’t do it. ‘I just want my baby back” she whispered, and she wasn’t even certain if she spoke of Vail or Motif.


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