
Backyard Adventures



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
08-19-2019, 05:45 PM

Herb-gathering was definitely on Asvor's agenda, especially now that fall was winding down. At least here in these southern lands it was far easier to count on finding herbs until the end of fall.. even if the temperatures seemed to be dropping rapidly, this was nowhere near as chilly as the lands she was used to. Perhaps she might even be able to find some plants hanging on when winter fully set in. The thought was a tempting one, though wouldn't deter her from today's mission, not by any means.

As she veered around one of the crumbling fences, Asvor silently thanked Chaos for choosing such a fertile land. She'd seen the various foods that still sprung up here and there, supposedly leftovers from creatures that had once inhabited this world; they were overgrown now, but with enough determination and rummaging it was possible to find treats hidden in the long since abandoned fields. Today she wasn't after snacks, though, but herbs to bring back to her den, which seemed to flourish sporadically near the field.

It wasn't much of a surprise to find the young healer already out scouting for something. She'd bet her own snake on it that he was after herbs too - though he'd been conveniently left to his own devices today. Grinning, she let out a bark of greeting as she rounded him, sniffing at the air as she tilted her head skyward.  "What's it we're looking for today, Alarr?" Admittedly Asvor wasn't the biggest fan of pups, but this boy was not only of Legion, but.. he was a kindred spirit, she knew it, even if she didn't know much about him. He wasn't like most pups - he seemed hard-working and studious, which she appreciated, and which made interacting with him that much easier.