
[CLOSED] Helcere Pups!

all adopted!



2 Years
08-19-2019, 09:41 PM (This post was last modified: 09-13-2019, 05:20 PM by Heloise.)
Hello and welcome to another litter adopt!

This time Acere Praetor and Heloise cel Mare!

The pups are due September 13th; we would like for applications to be in by September 10th. Only people who do the whole application will be considered so keep that in mind! finish your pup application for a chance! NOTE; you get a discount of 25% for up to 42”. Make some big ones!

We get THREE free pups and will consider gem cost for each individual RPer. If you are new and are picked, for instance, you will get a free pup. Don’t let your newbie status deter you! Due to the fact, these are alpha pups… there is no guarantee of Heir status either; an Heir for Winterfell will be picked due to pup activity and participation. Firstborn does not mean the first choice!

Name themes will be wintery, northern, cold themed. The names already taken are Whittaker (male), Ice (male) and Winter (female). Fen, Drag and I will be playing Helcere children so expect to thread/plot with us a lot. Acere and Heloise will be actively RPing with their pups (no abandonment etc) so expect lots of family threads! We also have the right to take away your pup if you fail to be active. Keep that in mind! You’re free to make the application fancy but keep the key points there. Thanks and good luck!

Hi hello Dragon here! A few things I'd like to add:
-No spiteful/hateful/bratty pups please! There should be absolutely no reason for them to turn out that was without actual development and reasons for it, but considering Ace and Heloise would be raising them as noble, honorable, etc. Then I expect this shouldn't be a problem.

-any designs provided by us are exclusive to ardent and are NOT to be used anywhere else without permission by us. That being said, the design used for the pup(s) will remain with the pup. If you choose to buy art then it's expected that art goes with the character as well as any purchases (unless you're at or under the refund limit).

-Alignments should remain in the lighter/neutral spectrum, maybe even chaotic but preferably no evil alignments. Of course alignment can always change as characters develop, just don't start them off in an evil alignment please.

-Helcere pups will more than likely be showered in art. I've been waiting a long time for this and they're gonna be spoiled icly and oocly lol

-If you make your own design then you're giving permission for the design to remain with the character. If on the other hand, it's a design you want to keep for the future then I advise you choose one of the offered designs.

- Do NOT modify any of these designs without first asking permission and getting approval by me or daisy first.

-Colors in the family are white/brown/black/grays/albino/melanistic/reds (recessive probably). Eye colors red, blue, amber/yellow, green, purple, (anything really idc).

- Acere is a dire wolf while Heloise is 30". Heights/builds, etc. May vary!

[b]OOC name;[/b]
[b]Pup’s Name;[/b]
[b]Alignment;[/b] these pups will be raised with morals and code, we don’t expect there to be evil children for instance. Develop toward that if you must!
[b]Measurements;[/b] height, weight, build etc

[b]Appearance;[/b] design and 100 words please
[b]Personality;[/b] 150 words minimum. no bratty or spiteful kids because all these pups will have is love and support!

[b]Plans;[/b] we'd like to know what you want to do! doesn't have to be intricate. could be just their skillsets, interests, etc.
[b]Cost;[/b] do you need a free pup? Are you buying anything for your pup?
[b]RP Sample;[/b] 100 words minimum
[Image: sgvfyko2_o.gif]
heloise has a male gyrfalcon named kresnik with a fifty-inch wingspan
always assume he is in threads nearby and in battles with her
as her love acere praetor is allowed in any of her threads regardless of tag