

skill prompt



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
08-20-2019, 12:27 AM
Boredom. An itching to do something. To... learn something. To gain something. It was driving her wild, and she left the firefly festival distinctly displeased, and almost nothing to show for it. The interactions there she had were rather amusing, for the most part, especially the young fire-boy, but that was about it. It was overall just... not good enough. She was bit by the do something bug, and as of yet it showed no sign of leaving her.

Ah, well, she could find something to do with her time, she supposed. This time, she headed out with her brother, and she trotted alongside her brother with a cheery grin on her face. A hunting trip with her brother - in one of the most prey-filled areas of the land right now, with it being fall and all the prey after the dropped fruit. Also... one of the more dangerous areas as well. It seemed the predators other than wolves had spiked, which was absolutely irritating beyond belief. Her hunting style made it not... too difficult, anyway, but she'd already run into other cats in trees and that in itself made unpleasant encounters. This time, she wouldn't be in trees, as the prey animals here were occasionally looking up to see if any more fruit hung after they cleaned out the bottom.

There had to at least be something here that they could take down and enjoy, and the experience itself was likely to be fun. Maybe she could experiment with some of the fruits left behind as well. She kept hearing about fruit-based drinks that made one... silly, and lose inhibitions. That certainly seemed interesting, anyway, if she could figure out how to make it. The only issue was the fact that she had paws. She really needed to convince one of the critters who could hold things to help her out.

Sighing quietly, she glanced at her brother. "So, what should we go after?" she questioned, leaving the decision up to him.

"Speech" "You"


art by gunhorse