
I'll Keep My Eyes Fixed on the Sun


07-22-2013, 10:24 PM
How different this male seemed to be compared to others. He didnt seem to either mind nor know of her small advances on him. How interesting. But could she continue to flirt with a male that didnt seem to notice or care? She guessed she would just have to find out then. She listened to him speak, head tilted, eyes trained on him. She was a wolf who gave her full attention when she socialized around others. After all, it would be rude not to correct? Even after her invite to come lay with her, he seemed hesitant. But his words spoke otherwise. He was confusing thats for sure. Most males she met were dull and stupid. This one would have to make her think. His guesture took her by surprise as he bowed to interduce himself. He certainly was different! She kinda liked that about him. Something new was always welcomed in her life. It gave her something to do, to learn, a new experience. His name was odd, well sort of. The last name made her frown, Destruction? How could someone, being as nice, and cute as him have a morbid last name as that? The poor guy, she wondered if he might be huanted by thoughts of doing just such as his last name spoke of. Sure her's was different too, not many though would know of it meaning.

She sat up and frown at him, one ear twisted back. With a small grunt she stood. Nose down she shifted the grass and reeds, making it larger for the both of them. " get your butt over here." She said looking up with grass all over her and a smile on her face. If he wouldnt move soon, she might tackle him. She was starting to get in a playful mood, yet her body called for rest.