
[CLOSED] Helcere Pups!

all adopted!



4 Years

Treat 2019
08-20-2019, 10:20 AM (This post was last modified: 09-08-2019, 09:03 PM by Thoren.)
OOC name; era
Pup’s Name; Orca
Gender; female
Alignment; neutral good
Measurements; large- xl, 36-42inches, light weight, light build

Appearance; Design 9

Bathed mostly in white, she is a long legged lanky wolf with a slim build and lean muscle clinging tightly to her frame. Her pristine white coat is marred by black markings that begin around her eyes, dipping down her cheek and to her jaw and then down her neck and into her chest. This black covers her under belly, traces from her chest up along her shoulder to her back before stopping abruptly. Her ears are dipped black, as well as her front feet. Her tail, mostly white appears to have been dragged through ink on the bottom and tip. Her forehead is smudged with a black streak in the center, as are her brows. Her eyes are two toned, one being piercing blue and the other being bright, striking yellow/gold.

As mentioned, she has a lean build with legs for days. It is clear from birth that she will never be a bulky wolf, not built for fighting but for running. Her long legs make her an excellent scout and with such a lithe frame she is much more agile when she needs to be.

Attentive- Orca is very attentive to what is going on around her, even at a young age she shows a knack for paying attention to small details…she also has an uncanny ability to recall information (although far from perfect…especially as a pup). She pays sharp attention to those that speak, as a pup she will struggle with paying attention to multiple people/things. She absorbs information like a sponge making her a quick learner and a valuable asset when it comes to listening to what she shouldn’t be.

Mischievous- Orca has a devious streak, she is bold and confident- a dangerous combo. She lives for the adrenaline rush- even as a pup- and often finds herself in less than ideal situations. That being said, her favorite thing to do is sneak up and listen in on anyone…not too dangerous as long as she does it in the pack…right? Orca loves a good adventure and she is unlikely to turn one down- ever. Once she commits to an adventure, she doesn’t like to give it up easily but even she knows when something is too dangerous.

Bold- Orca is not afraid to speak her mind, she will easily tell someone off if she doesn’t agree with them. She has no problem arguing her point with those that are older or bigger than her and as a pup, she rarely knows when to stop until its too late. Her stubbornness is tied to her boldness, leaving her hard headed and ‘set in her ways’.

Sly- Orca has a slippery streak, if you get what I mean. She is a bit of a lier, but even more than that, she is careful with her word choice. From a young age, she will learn to twist the words and meaning of others to get her way the ‘legal’ way. As she matures this will shift into being more manipulative and crafty with her words and actions.

Loyal- Orca is above all, loyal to her family. She loves them and would do anything for them. Outside of Winterfell, it is hard for her to accept that anyone has authority over her. Her lack of respect for other leaders will surely get her or her family into trouble at some point. As she matures, there is nothing Orca won’t do for her family and her pack, if its commanded she will carry it out- not to say she will do so blindly though.

Confident- Orca is very confident in herself, it is rare that you see her carrying herself in such a way that says she is second guessing herself or her abilities. Even as a young pup she knows she is worth something- and not just because of who her parents are- she commands respect from her peers though she doesn’t understand what exactly that means as a pup…and it may not work in her favor until she is older. This is not a wolf that you can beat into submission, she will always get up and try try again, her confidence is seemingly unbreakable.

Defiant- Orca does not like being bossed around, she will accept orders from her pack and family, but she may grumble about it a bit…but from others outside of her pack and family, they are met with a rebellious child that simply wont bend or bow. Orca prides herself on being tough and resilient as well as elegant and poised, she can play both parts when the situation arises.

As she matures, Orca will shift from an innocent pup with talent to a fierce weapon. She will know how to fight, but her real talent will be in her uncanny ability to remember details and her knack for getting where others cannot. She is a listener and a sneak, a master of shadows if you will.

skills: Fighting & Navigation ( specialty being either Saboteur or Fleet-footed/infiltrator)

Mostly her plots will be ic generated with only a few key points that I want to push. Those key points are - spying on someone outside of the pack, eavesdropping on something 'important' within the pack and later bringing it up (even if it is something like her parents talking lol- itd be important to her XD) and there is one other thing that I will dm you both about cause its super secret.

If all goes well, she aims to take the Master if Whispers position once she is matured and has proven herself.

Cost; will be buying extra height, just not sure how much yet. Would love a free pup, but can pay if needed, will eventually have a large companion.
RP Sample;

A pup should not know what a volcano is, or what ash is, at least…not as a lesson so early on in their life. Unfortunately, she knew. Mismatched gaze lingered on the very distant southern lands, ash still fell from the sky and it was freezing outside. Winter was bad enough but with the ash falling so frequently and covering what little sun there was the temperature had apparently plummeted. Orca knew nothing else but cold, however, except of course when she was in the den. Shivering, the pup huffed and turned away, intent on making the most of the little bit of sunshine that filtered through the dense clouds here and there.

Large paws and long legs were an awkward combination, causing her to trip frequently as she wandered out of the den area and into the surrounding snow and ash drifts. Orca was intent to simply pounce around in the snow, but then she heard it. A loud voice…well voices. Curious, the pup would stop, black tipped ears coming forward as she listened before a grin pulled at her lips and she hunkered down close to the snow and moved forward. A soft crunch followed with each step she took, that would not do! She paused when the voices stopped, had they heard her? She ducked lower, almost holding her breath. When they continued, she moved slower, dragging her feet through the snow to muffle the sound. Orca hid behind a tree when she could hear the voices more clearly, it was someone fighting. Well, to be more specific, it was her siblings fighting. Curiously, she peeked her head around the base of the tree, but they were gone. What? Where did they go? It was then that she heard a loud ‘CHARGE’ and as she snapped her head around, a body collided with hers, sending her off her feet. She should have been mad, and maybe she was, but even she couldn’t stop laughing as she looked up at her brother. “You got me, now get off!” She laughed, pushing at his chest with her front paws.