
Let me full you with love


08-20-2019, 10:26 AM

In restless dreams,

He barely had understood when they had carried out his mother to be buried, he had even tried to follow and unbury her as if this had all been some new version of hide and seek. Only he had been stopped by Notch. The owl had then guided him back to the den, and wordlessly left him to mourn on his own. Pitch didn't get it. Wasn't he supposed to go find momma when she and hid? Then just a few days had not been long enough, mom had not returned and more had come to take his dad from them. He may not be able to see but he had smelled them and heard them. His ears had pressed, he didn't like it. when someone had been taken from him it was always that they wouldn't come home, he was slowly starting to learn this.

They called it dead, he called it unfair. He just wanted his momma back. He laid there in the den his parents had once had and didn't even move as his Aunt Shaye came. He didn't laugh as she tried to tickle his tummy, he just used a paw to push at her nose. It was unfair and she was one of them that had taken his parents away. He may not understand completely but he knew enough to  know that his mom and dad were not coming back. That was not okay by pitch, he needed his momma. He wanted his dad back. He huffed out a breath and turned his head away from Shaye as she moved attention to his brothers. His ears pinned. She was here to take someone else now too wasn't she? Or was it his turn to leave forever and not come home? He'd bite Shaye if she even tried it with him though. He wouldn't be leaving, not ever. This was his home and she couldn't make him leave it.

I walked alone
