
A day of fun




2 Years
08-20-2019, 04:46 PM
This pup certainly was different than all the others she had met upon her pack. He was far different than what the young pup was used to, and his nature definitely piqued her interest as she tilted her cranium slightly in curiosity. She wondered if her father could possibly accept him into the pack, even if they were not to be siblings, at least he wouldn't freeze or be alone out in these parts. To the child, it didn't matter who you were; if Mother Nature's world was starting to become unbearable for someone, the last thing she would want to do is turn them down when it came to a possible home...Especially someone who was as young as she was.

She gave a light-hearted chuckle to the young male as she smiled, her tail swaying against the snow as she looked to the fish that was in front of her. "No, this is a neutral territory, though my home is not too far from here when it comes to my pack, the last thing any of us want to do is hurt you. My father, though we're not related by blood, took me in when I had no family...Perhaps he could do the same for you if you would like to join?" She asked, if he said no she wouldn't force him to join for it was his decision. Her kind heart always led her to doing things like this; and she wanted to be the leader that accepted anyone so long as they do what they're told and don't do anything to endanger the pack. But, considering how young he was, and it wasn't her pack; it was her adopted mother and father's decision to decide should he wish to join.

"Also, it is very nice to meet you, Kraken, my name is Altair. Would you possibly like this fish? I was going to give it to the pack but you're welcome to have it if you're hungry," She assured, her warm smile never leaving her face.