
Trek Lightly


07-22-2013, 11:35 PM
As always it was silence that followed in the young girls wake, the further north she moved the quieter it got. She no longer knew why she kept moving, why she hadn't simply dripped and let the elements claim her seemingly worthless life. For so long she had been wrapped happily in her mothers love, a silent and accepting love that needed nothing in return. But that had been ripped from her. It was all gone now, those late nights that their mother had snuck off. The times that she had returned with delicious meats only to wrap herself warmly around her daughter and tell her stories as they gazed at the moon together. More often then not she paused in her journey at night when the sky was clear and gazed up at the sky. Her heart would reach towards the moon, wondering if maybe her mother was somewhere out there gazing up at the moon as well and thinking about her. Was she alive? Did she miss them? But it had been some time since the young girl had paused, since she had cast a thought to her mother or father. It seemed that no one wanted her or her siblings, their father had left before they had even been born and their mother was now gone as well before even their first birthday. They couldn't care for themselves, Silana didn't know how to hunt and it was beginning to show in her malnourished form. But still she walked, still she moved ever north with no purpose or destination in mind, no doubt the girl would walk until she dropped.

She remembered the warmth of her mother, the feeling of curling up next to Aeron and Jacques and listening to her mothers sweet voice. She missed it, and those were probably the only feelings that kept her alive and going. That imaginary warmth that kept her safe in the nights amongst the tops of these trees. It was beautiful here but the beauty was lost to her. Occasionally she would pause and look down at the frozen greenery below her but normally her eyes remained before her. There was nothing here, nothing dared to come this far north. She hadn't seen any of the delicious bunnies her mother used to feed her and she hadn't seen any other wolves... She was lonely, she missed social interactions even though her vocals remained dusty and unused. She missed following Aeron and jacques around and experiencing life through them. Maybe she could find someone else to take care of her? Was it worth it? She didn't know what she wanted anymore, so she walked in the hopes that it might hit her as suddenly as if she would walk into a wall. But instead of hitting something she heard voices and one was familiar... She knew that voice, though the other was foreign she didn't dwell on it, instead propelling herself towards the sounds.

It felt like forever before figures came into view, her brother standing with his back to her and facing what looked like a mammoth of a wolf. For a moment she froze, wide eyes taking in the beast her brother was facing. What did she do? What could she do? Did he want to eat Aeron? Her mind traveled back to a story her mother had told her about the wolf who had to face a giant and after a moment she gulped down her feat and slithered forward. She carried her head low, ears flattened to her skull and tail dropped towards the ground. How long had it been since she had seen her brother? Days? Weeks? Months? But even that didn't coax a word from her mouth, she remained silent as always as she came to stand beside him, a small smile and a nod given to him before she turned back towards the male before them. Names? Why did they need to know names? And why didn't this male give his name when he asked for one? Her mother had always taught her that it was only polite. Silana was pretty sure her mother had still been holding out hope that one day Silana would open her mouth and speak right up until the day that she had left them...