
[CLOSED] Helcere Pups!

all adopted!


08-20-2019, 06:50 PM
OOC name; Bluetick
Pup’s Name; Eira (welsh for Snow), Bianca (means white), Flurrie,
Gender; female
Alignment; Start off True Neutral
Measurements; 36" & Medium Build


A wolf that comes from a mic of arctic and northern wolf breeds she has come from a line of wolves meant to survive and adapt. She is on the smaller side compared to 80% of her bloodline. Most of her family ranges from the large to the extra large scale with medium to heavy builds. So she is smaller, but of average build for her family. She has a plush coat of fur and in the wintertime it is extra thick all over her body including between her paw pads. She can handle living within the north, in harsher and colder temperatures. If she were to choose to live in warmer climate her body would adapt, still having a thicker coat then normal but her lack of darker color helps to keep her cooler in warmer temperatures.

Her fur colors also reflect the northern breeds within her bloodline. 98% of her fur is a pristine, snow white color. She will be the first to tell you that it is not easy to keep that fur clean, but she does her best to keep her fur clean. She does have some color to her body which is a dark charcoal markings on her body. Starting at her hind end the grey runs a thick strip along the top of her tail the whole length. She had a little snip that goes roughly about two inches along her spine, towards her head. Her paw pads are also a dark charcoal color along with her nose. The remainder of her markings are focused on her face. A large thick strip of color on her nose. Off that small lines shoot off to outline her eyes. Lastly her eyebrows and the rims of her ears have the charcoal color. Lastly she has beautiful deep blue eyes.

You won't have much trouble when it comes to getting along with her. She will never wake up in the morning with the goal to be nasty to others. That will never happen in this women's life. She doesn't have the heart or the drive to be mean or standoffish to others, not matter what she is going through. When meeting others she tends to keep an open mind and no matter how the other acts she will treat them with a kind and reserved attitude. She does not like to be potentially rude to others and if she's nearby she will let you know somehow. She is a social creature and does like interacting with others and will not pass up the chance to meet someone. Her parents raised her a bit old fashioned in the fact that it is right to be nice and polite to everyone until they show you otherwise. She airs on the side of caution when it comes to disclosing to much information. Remaining reserved and not disclosing information that could be used against her or those she cares about.

She is an adaptable creature in most cases and knows how to both live on her own and within a group of others. She is physically, emotionally, and mentally adaptable in most cases and does her best to adapt quickly. She is also fairly easy going when it comes to changes within her life and she tries to focus on how to adapt and to continue on versus getting worked up or overly upset. Likewise her emotions are always put on the back burner. She is not the type of wolf that will freely show others her more private emotions. She feels those emotions should only be shown to those extremely close within your life. She will act like she has everything together, but at the end of the day when she is alone and no one is around her emotions will be let loose. This is another thing that most consider her old fashioned for. Things like this and relationships between mates she believes are meant to be more private. More intimate actions and emotions are not meant for the public eye and she will keep it that way. It can make it difficult for relationships with her because she she is more reserved and will not be all over another freely.

She is not a creature that will give in or give up easily. If she has her mind set to do something she will not stop until she gets it done. This means being a task or even personal beliefs. She is family driven as well and family is very important to her. She tends to be a rather protective person and will not hesitate to put her life on the line to save her family. Along with being protective she tries to be a pillar for her family. Providing stability, a shoulder to lean on, an ear to bend, and someone they will not fear going to. She tries to solve things with a level head instead of letting her emotions take over.

Skill sets: Fighting & Hunting
Pack status: Work to earn Master of laws or King's Justice. She may even be willing to create a sister pack when old enough
Excels in: Tracking & tag teaming when fighting predators

Cost; I can buy a pup pass if need be

RP Sample;
She was eager, unable to sleep most of the night and was way beyond excited for today. Why? Her parents had spoken of taking her and her siblings out of the den for the first time today. She was barely able to contain her excitement for their first trip out of the den. Both her parents had always come back to the den littered with interesting scents from the outside world. Now she would have the opportunity to discover what those scents truly were and she was beyond excited. She would anxiously wait within the den, shaking a little bit with anticipation as she waited to hear her parents call them from the den. Her blue eyes briefly looked over at her siblings before looking to the den entrance again. It had felt like they were taking FOREVER to complete their morning rounds and she was getting anxious with all this waiting.

FINALLY, she heard her father's summoning bark and she was the quickest to spring forward and dart out of the den. She had no fear as she ran up the tunnel and out into the big open world. She first would run to her father and plop down before him, but soon after her blue eyes began to rove over everything she could see, trying to take in as much as quickly as she could. To the sky, to the snow, to the tree, to the little creature running up the tree. Everywhere she looked there was something new to discover, but she remained put knowing she would have to wait until their father gave the go ahead. She was sure there would be rules that she would need to fallow, so she was fine with just looking at everything for the time being.