
Forgive and forget and die


07-23-2013, 03:49 AM
The warrior jerked up when he heard a cry. Whipping his head up, he eased a little when he realized it was just the man he had just rescued. Ears flattened to his skull, the sound of cracking bones as the healer shifted his leg sent a shiver up his spine. That was something he never wanted...the warrior rose on unsteady limbs, wincing and biting his tongue as his open pads made contact with the grit of the earth. He'd leave these two be in peace so that the healer could properly tend to him. His injuries weren't as he decided not to mention his own injuries. Blood trailed each paw print as he made his way over to the she-wolf he had previously rescued. Tail flicking behind him, ears rotating her way and back towards the other pair as he approached. Shoulders slumped forward and head was low. Not because of anger or wariness, but from exhaustion.

He approached the distraught femme, sitting heavily in front of her by a few feet. Paw pads throbbed painfully with each heart beat, but he simply gritted his teeth and ignored it as best as he could. "You're lucky you didn't meet the same fate as your friend...otherwise you'd be down there as well. The same luck that had me in the right place, at the right time." He told her. He sniffed away some dust that had stored itself into his nose, and fixated her with his icy gaze. Waiting an answer.

Speech, Thought, You