
If I die young



11 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KFamousTreat 2019
08-21-2019, 11:15 AM

Zell was feeling...all sorts of things. His heart felt heavy, like a weight sat in his chest. Jewell had passed away in his arms last night, and despite their incredibly distant and rocky relationship, he had tried to make amends. had probably been too late at that point. He had let Torin take her to be buried beneath the earth next to her daughter while he had returned to his den for a little while to deal with the grief on his own. He always tried to put on a strong front, and he would still try. Just...he'd do it alone. He didn't take too long, though. And when he finally did make it towards the grave site, he found Torin standing over them and placing flowers on their graves.

He quietly approached him, and without a word he leaned over to place an object on Jewell's grave. A necklace. The one that Faite used to wear. He nosed it gently into place before stepping back to stand beside his son. The silence in the air was deafening, and he knew it was hard on Torin to have lost yet another person he considered family. Someone that was part of her family. He had at least, and hoped, that he had given Jewell some piece of mind by making her an official part of his family in her last moments. For a while Zell remained silent as he struggled to keep his voice from cracking with emotion. Finally after what felt like forever, he was able to somewhat speak. "We both fucked up..." He whispered quietly. Neither had truly been there for her in her time of need. She had been dealing with things on her own. And it had taken him until last night to realize that.


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