
stay awhile and listen

pup story time



6 Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Christmas 2019Treat 2019
08-21-2019, 12:07 PM
His sister leaned into him, and he knew it was for comfort. The boy returned the gesture, glancing at her for a moment before returning his attention to the she-wolf. She introduced herself as Heloise, a member of their pack. His tail wagged then. Cool! Another pack member? He hadn't really met anyone in the pack, but he was usually too busy playing with his siblings or exploring. When Idalia greeted the white woman, one ear cocked towards her as she tried to repeat their pack mates name. She seemed to struggle with it, his sister growing frustrated which caused her to start chewing on her leg again. Suppressing a sigh, he crossed his foreleg over to hers to gently place his paw between her teeth and her leg. He gently pressed his nose into her cheek, too, and gave her a look that said it's okay.

She went on to say their dad was the coolest, strongest, and best wolf ever while their mom was the most beautiful. His tail thumped against the ground as he gave one big nod of agreement. Then she introduced him and...not herself. That was okay, he didn't mind doing it for her. "And this is my twin sister, Idalia!" He glanced at her and offered a quick lick to her ear before looking back to Heloise. "We have another brother, Volcanic. He's blind, and his fur is red! He's the coolest looking!" Of course, he completely forgot about the other red wolf that was in the pack. Speaking of which...he looked around to see if their brother had tailed after them, but..he didn't see him. Maybe he was with mom or dad or something.