
All part of the plan I just made up

Dominus I


3 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Critical Hit!
08-21-2019, 01:51 PM

The thick fur surrounding the beast's neck would flounce with the jerky movements of his head as he tried his best to dig the girth of his fangs deeper into the ram's leg, doing his best to create absolute crators where his teeth were and get the ram to bleed out quicker. He had hoped for killing the ram and running off with it before the bear arrived, but he could tell by the sound of a giant shuffling that wasn't himself- they were not alone anymore.

He growled out in warning as the bear approached the corpse of the ram, his teeth still as deep as he kept the ram's ass lifted off the ground rather than allowing it to rest. It required more power from the wolf, but in his youth, he did not seem to take into account his stamina... it wasn't exactly a problem he encountered often anymore. He kept the ram lifted, hoping it would do well to bleed it sooner, and spun himself around to fully face the bear.

The ram finally stopped its struggling just in time for Dominus to release it from his own grasp and fully witness the sight of his hunting buddy getting brutally mauled by the grizzly. Heavy limbs went into motion while his blue eyes stared wide and absolutely attentive to every move the bear made from that point on. He was afraid for the coyote, only as he witnessed the bear's giant paw come down on the poor girl's face did he realize he was actually moving- toward the bear, not away from it! Anger channeled through him and caused his face to contort, wrinkles forming as all of his muscles pulled together around those piercing blue eyes. A snarl split his maw and revealed his teeth completely, right down to the blue of his gums. While a thick growl ripped through his throat, the bear lifted it's right paw from the coyote- just in time to meet the behemoth wolf's already open jaws.

It would pay.

Exactly over the bite wound that Exxon made happened to be where the titan's own bite fell. His canines boxed in the wound she created, though he did not have time to stop and admire such a coincidence. He drove those fangs in as deep as he could as every ounce of his power that he was capable of putting into his jaw muscles clenched and pulled them in. He thrashed once his bite was secure, the sound of his growl loud enough to make one believe in demons as dark blood spilled across the ground just as it had done just seconds prior.

Exxon had already run away, but even if the bear had wanted to chase her, he would be unable to as the dire wolf feverously pulled at the bear's appendage. His weight was aiming to force the bear to awkwardly have to charge him on three legs if he wanted to attack- though Dominus' only continued to pull back and keep himself at a distance. The bear growled out in frustration as it would attempt to tumble toward him for only a moment before lifting himself onto his back legs and smacking the wolf with his free left paw. Dominus felt the sting of the bear's claws only briefly, luckily the thick padding of his coat stopped most of what managed to reach him before he let go.

The bear did not seem interested in fighting back, it's paw wounded and bleeding heavily now that the wolf was done. The grizzly began to take slow steps backward into the pines when the coyote came in at the speed of a bullet. She had collided herself with the bear so suddenly that Dominus' questioned where the fuck she even came from that fast. Her teeth connected with the already retreating bear, though it did not seem to retaliate. The biting and nipping only seemed to make it move faster until at a brisk jog it was escaping the coyote and disappearing back into the pines.

Dominus ran after the pair, attempting to grab onto the frenzied coyote's scruff and put an end to her chase. He wasn't sure what had gotten into her but he wasn't going to allow her to go off and attempt to kill a bear all on her own. Once he was certain she was done attacking the bear, he let go of her gently- doing his best to keep in mind the wounds on her face and ass.

Blue tongue pushed loose fur past his teeth, having collected some of the coyote's missing pelt when he grabbed her. He only just then realized how hard he had been breathing, how much adrenaline and testosterone was coursing through him. He took a moment to recollect himself before looking Exxon over again. Fuck.

"Not going to lie to you, this doesn't look good." He didn't have the first clue on how to heal her, having been fortunate enough not to experience any serious injuries in his life. His chest finally stopped heaving as he looked to the body of the ram. He knew he needed to find her a doctor.. but... hunger. Instincts took over and he moved his way over to the fresh corpse, teeth immediately working to pluck out tender muscles from the ram's thighs. He had no time to eat tactfully, everything was devoured that fit in his mouth. Blue eyes flashed over to the coyote to see if she had any interest in eating now that she was half-dead, but the disgusting look of how her skin was hanging off of her face made him end his feeding finally.

"Stay here and rest in the pines, don't exert yourself. I'll find some help." His mother had been a healer, along with two of his sisters.. but he didn't have the slightest clue about any of that. He needed to find Actaea...

Dominus has a black snake that stalks him. Unless mentioned already by me, it is welcomed to powerplay this snake and allow your character to notice it somewhere in your posts.
Dominus says bad words, he can also be very unstable. All Dominus' threads are mature.