
Wolf Totem

Pack Meeting



4 Years

Promptober 2019
08-21-2019, 06:39 PM

She sat there, keeping her mouth shut, and only watching what the other members would do. This was her first pack, a concept that she still feared, she feared the fact of being among so many wolves, with the threat of being attacked. She was used to such treatment and that was her main reason why she avoided packs at any coast. She was ignorant of how to be a pack wolf, she didn't know anything being honest. She felt like an idiot, like a wolf with no use in this place, she lacked the essential matters of being a wolf. Hunting and fighting were a big no, what would they think of her knowing that? Would they kick her? Would they kill her on the spot? Both outcomes were terrifying, they make her want to run away like the coward she was. And as she thought that she closed her eyes quickly, as at the same time she suffocated a whimper that was coming out, luckily none of it did.

Soon after, Fracture came in and as he greeted her she quickly gasped some air to respond. "Hi...Mr.Fracture..." She greeted him with her shy and low voice. And as she took note of his following actions she raised her head trying to get herself in the suggested pose from Fracture. But her ears were still a bit low. Once he walked away she looked around wanting to see who else would come.

In fact, some more wolves came one by one. All of them were out of her knowledge and such she looked away quickly, trying to don't collect their attention to her. Being looked at was something she could easily misunderstand as a danger sign. But soon, a kinda known face came in, it was the green-eyed wolf(Dragon) she crossed pats with some time ago. She didn't say anything, she wasn't known for being an ice breaker.

And finally, Acere spoke again and with such her attention was placed upon the king. Taking note of what he started to tell them.

"I have given plenty of time for everyone to settle. The pack should be bustling with activity by now. If you’ve not met your packmates, then meet them. If you require assistance, ask. We are here to help each other. To strive for higher goals and to build one another up to our full potential. If, however, you feel Winterfell is not what you want, you are welcome to leave. I am not keeping anyone here against their will," It was true, she knew that her presence here wasn't free, she knew she would have to start working for them, and so far, being a healer seemed to be the best option for someone like her. But of course, training was needed first. And meeting the rest was must even if the mere idea seemed terrifying for the snow-white wolf.

He started with the promotions, and soon Heloise and Fracture's names were mentioned. So they were knights now. She looked at them all and just stared at them but soon she looked away back to Acere. He complimented them all, and there she felt like a ghost there. Well, she was new of course, no one really knew about her so it was understandable being under those of longer allegiance here.

Then , Acere mentioned the apprentice and mentor pair. And there, she lowered her ears as the thrill of knowing who would teach her made its way down her mind. And the moment came when she heard her own name. When she felt the kings eyes upon her, she felt her body get freeze as she did her best to hold her gaze to Acere's. And upon finishing, she nodded shyly, she was going to do her best to learn all she could and use it to beat her own demons. Following that, now a festival called "winter festival" was explained but in a superficial manner. The ceremonies came next to a discussion, and she would nod, and fall in a though storm but quickly returning to the real world.

But what came next took her out of surprise, The king announced he and Heloise were mates now and expecting pups aswell. Would it mean she would sleep alone now? Would it mean she would have to seek for another den? Her ears lowered and she felt a knot forming on her throat, will she be left alone again? She felt a wave of sadness starting to drown her heart, and there she felt her legs shivering. 'Again...' She thought as she returned her gaze to Fracture.

oc: Sorry for the long post

code by Cloudy
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[Image: Yureichibi.png]
Her threads may contain triggering topics like depression and negativeness. Be aware when threading with her.

Casso may crash in any of her threads desíte the tag!

Yurei now has a Grey female wildcat as a companion. Unless stated she is always with her.

Yurei now wears a side back up almost all the time that has four pockets one up and three down.