
Under the moonlight



07-23-2013, 06:07 AM

As the two would walk, Siarvon couldn't help but feel relief. His silence would bring up questions that he may wish not to answer. Since they where both pups it was always Aria that ended up dominating the large brute, how? He still didn't know. Perhaps it was because of his shyness and her bubbly confidence back when they first met, which led the woman to be on top and catch his attention. As the cranium twisted a smirk cascaded across the face, before gently fading away. " I returned to the secret spot a week later, the time where we both usually meet and you where gone, not a trace that you had been there in the few days. By then I knew Orlaya must be right." A slight pause would take place before speaking once again. " I was told you never want to see me, that you couldn't stand the sight of me, I didn't even get an explanation of what I did wrong but that day you looked angry, So I left with Orlaya. It wasn't true, was it, it was a lie to get me away, it must be you could never hold a grudge with me for two long."

Doubt would fill his mind, did he leave with orlaya for no real reason? Just getting up and leaving, withought so much as a goodbye to the woman that made a difference in Siarvons life? Slowly breaking the space between the two the furs slightly brush against each other, before Siarvons cranium dips down to caress the womans cheek. " What had happened, the last time I checked you had the whole tail, with your faced untouched with scars, where you in a fight in my absence?" By now the sandstone male would feel guilty, and never leave her withought a notice like last time.

As ten minutes flew by they'd reach a small beach, surrounded with the aqua waters glistening at the sight of the moon. Stepping the paws into the golden sand the brutes heavy weight leaves his paws slightly sinking into the ground, as he began to get closer to the sea the stench of salt enters the leathered flares. He would slink himself in, the waters levelling up to skim just below his belly. An idea popped into his head. For once Siarvon looked peaceful, a look not given often from experiences.

" Do you think the world can really keep two wolves apart? Ive been trying to catch you for a while, yet I have always been unsuccessful, I wont let you fall when things get bad, not again." That was the one promise the titan was willing to keep, promises have always been a tricky thing to keep to, but somehow it would always be because of Aria that he sticks to them. When they where younger, he was some what small and skinner, to only shoot up in size and obtain a healthy frame.